Saturday, February 20, 2010

Funny FuNnY ! ! ! ! ! ! !?

FuNnY ! ! ! ! ! ! !? - funny

Last night, I came across this on a site of friends and I found that one of the funniest things I've ever seen .... ...

If you make sure that your speakers are turned on ... it's fun with sound, but still a lot of fun with the ...

Let me know what cha think!


The dude said...

LOLOL ... I love dogs ... and I find it funny anyway .. But this is the cake or the bones .. I must say!
Absolutely hilarious ... Dog with a split personality!
It reminded me of the scene in The Evil Dead, in which children live in his hands!
Made my day! Salud!

Miles said...


Anonymous said...

Dumb Dog

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