Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One Year Cd Best Online Bank To Invest In A 5 Year Jumbo CD, Capital One Or Discover Bank?

Best online bank to invest in a 5 year Jumbo CD, Capital One or Discover Bank? - one year cd

What is more viable, Capital One and Discover Bank?. Both are corporate credit card. Whether you are in danger of failure?


Recession Guy said...

Are you sure you are willing to put money for 5 years only 5.5% or less than a year? Only 37% or less after 5 years!

You have $ 100K and prefers not to buy stocks cheap foreclosed land or property? (no debts) are charged by farm. You do not have today, you have one of the next 2-3 years waiting for the worst forcelosures lower prices.

How about some gold bricks? Just the quantity of gold and silver look have in the past 5 years, his (still, despite the low market prices, you can buy any gold if you pay more than 20% + bonus).

I do not know as stocks or houses, but no more than 20K. If I did that, I diversify a few places and will certainly play opportunities that can not other people today. You've worked hard and saved this coin, take the opportunity!

If you have misunderstood the rules and were not aware of the deposit of at least $ 100K, please let me know and I'll give you some simple ways you your money realistically 10-20% per year.

Howard L said...

You have your homework CDs either higher interest rates today made available. I do not think they do not, because their deposits are insured by the FDIC. There is really no reason why they are endangered or not. In general, banks and reassure regulators to depositors that everything is good to avoid a second and then one morning, the doors are closed without notice.

If you have more security you can check the financial records of banks You have to find the number of FDIC

dryan0 said...

Personally, I like Discover Bank. They tend to have a better APY and not in any danger what-so-ever to flow. You can check to ensure that further information about banks and their prices, or visit the bank to obtain information about it.

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